Let Us Read

Books For Third Nations

Millions of children in third world countries do not have access to basic education and textbooks because of the high level of poverty and as a result, the level of illiteracy especially among children in these countries is overwhelming and is growing at an alarming rate.


Investing in the Future and Changing Lives Positively through the Availability and Accessibility of Quality Books and other educational resources in Third World Nations.



To facilitate widespread of information, growth and development and build leaders of tomorrow by providing books for learning to Third World Nations, bearing in mind that information is power and readers are leader.



Quality, Accessibility, Availability, Growth, Development, Combating Illiteracy, Support, Transformation.


Our Recent Blog

“At the moment that we persuade a child, any child, to cross that threshold, that magic threshold into a library, we change their lives forever, for the better”-Barack Obama

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Reading saved my life

I have always been a reader. I can’t really remember an age before I was reading. My first books started with the Mr Men books, and then I learnt to read pretty fast. At the age of six, I read, the Lord of the Rings,

Goal: $4500   Raised: $5000


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Books and Literacy

Millions of children in the third world countries don’t access to basic education and books and as a result, The level of illiteracy especially among children in these countries is growing at an alarming rate.

Goal: $4500   Raised: $5000


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Importance of Reading Books

Importance of Reading in early years is that it supports in child’s academic success and imparts a lifelong love for learning. Strong oral language skills lead to greater general knowledge and command over a language.

Goal: $4500   Raised: $5000


Anthony Asekomhe

Managing Director

The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless.


Books for Third Nations

Books for Third Nations is a Charity Organization that was set up to provide books for countries like Nigeria, Malawi and Zimbabwe to promote literacy and access to information in order to reduce the high level of illiteracy and poverty and improve the standard of living. Books for Third Nations Charity Organization, has an immeasurable and incalculable value of services, providing outstanding quality books knowing that millions of people in Nigeria, Malawi and Zimbabwe can fulfil their potentials and imagine new possibilities to grow and develop.

Book for Third Nations give aids to people that can’t afford books as a means of promoting and encouraging education taking into cognisance the importance of education as a roadmap to potential growth and development.

The Impact of Providing Books


Books for Third Nations is an Charity Organization committed to providing books and building a platform where everyone without discrimination, marginalization or segregation will have access to quality books and other educational resources needed to enrich and improve lives of many.

Goal: $4500   Raised: $5000

Meet Our Team

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give”
Winston Churchill
Tony Thompson

Tony Thompson


Anthony Asekomhe

Anthony Asekomhe


Joseph Okekumata

Joseph Okekumata